• Question: Do you speak or are learning any other languages apart from English ?

    Asked by anon-199498 to Sumit, Kate, Bryony, Aryanne on 8 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Kate McGonagle

      Kate McGonagle answered on 8 Mar 2019:

      No! It upsets me that I don’t speak another language, I think it’s a phenomenal skill to have. It never really came very naturally to me I find languages very difficult to learn. However, if I’m ever going on holiday I like to make sure I know the basic phrases before I go!

    • Photo: Sumit Konar

      Sumit Konar answered on 9 Mar 2019:

      I speak Bengali and Hindi as I am from calcutta, India. I learnt English but I am very bad of learning any new languages. I spent three years in Sweden, but I hardly learnt any Swedish there. I am planning to learn Spanish, as it is spoken by huge populations across the world.

    • Photo: Bryony Hockin

      Bryony Hockin answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      Yes! I speak German semi-fluently after learning it in school. I also speak some Spanish, but since learning it in school I haven’t practised it as much so I’ve forgotten a lot. Recently when I went to live in Canada, I learned some French because that was the first language of most people in Montreal, where I was staying. I would love to learn more languages!
