• Question: If you won the lottery what would you do with the money?

    Asked by anon-199626 to Sylvia, Sumit, Martin, Kate, Bryony, Aryanne on 4 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      First, I’d probably buy a new car and then put some of the money into my research group.

    • Photo: Bryony Hockin

      Bryony Hockin answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      I would buy a house, and probably also buy one for my family.

    • Photo: Sylvia Soldatou

      Sylvia Soldatou answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      Apparently when I was 5 years old my mum asked me the same question. Of course I don’t remember than buy she told me that my answer was “I would go to Disneyland and donate money to Unicef”
      Many many years later my answer is still the same 😊

    • Photo: Sumit Konar

      Sumit Konar answered on 5 Mar 2019:

      I will open a museum where I will display fascinating crystals with their model stucture. Kids can enter freely and can also learn chemistry through fun games and quiz.

    • Photo: Kate McGonagle

      Kate McGonagle answered on 6 Mar 2019:

      I would buy myself a house and a dog and then I could afford to pay a dog walker…I would do a lot more travelling and also probably give a lot to my mum and my brother!
